vineri, 29 septembrie 2017

The Adviser

Who leads you through the labyrinth of today's days? How much is wandering, how much desire, how much will?

luni, 25 septembrie 2017


A white spot marks the warm expanse of the sea: a yacht that carries its stories and dreams to sunny or rainy shores. Blue, white, green, emerald, golden, yellow, purple: watercolor pastel. Memories...

joi, 21 septembrie 2017

The past is changing

Memories belong to time. Every passed day adds another shadow or new light to the image stored in your mind. Words fade away, or new dialogues spring from your much later experiences. Memories have their own lives: they live, they develop, sometimes they are breaking up from the facts, they are forgotten. The past redefines itself with every moment of the present and with every dream of the future. What has been is constantly changing.

marți, 19 septembrie 2017


The one who thinks long before taking a step, will spend all his life in one leg. (Chinese Proverb)

miercuri, 13 septembrie 2017

Only You

Do not let anyone tell you what you want to do. If you fail, you will forgive more easily the mistakes of your decisions than those made due to the thoughts of others.

sâmbătă, 9 septembrie 2017


Failure should be a teacher, not a gravedigger. He is a delay, not a defeat. (John C. C. Maxwell)

duminică, 3 septembrie 2017

Only you

Nobody cares how difficult your life is. You are the only author of your life's story. (Anonymous)